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Javascript Variables



Variables are a foundational aspect of programming with JavaScript, or any programming language. It’s essential to understand what variable are and what to expect when using them. For the longest time, JavaScript generally had only one way to declare variables, with the var keyword. Since the arrival of ES6 (ES2015), the keywords let and const have been available for variable declaration. The idea behind adding these features to the language was to provide ways to control how variables are declared, assigned values, and visible to other parts of a JavaScript program through the concept of scope.

Introduction to JavaScript Variables

Variables in JavaScript are containers that store data values. These values can change over time, which makes variables essential for creating dynamic applications. Variables are used to store various types of data, including numbers, strings, and objects.

Declaring JavaScript Variables

In JavaScript, you can declare variables using three different keywords: var, let, and const. These keywords have distinct characteristics, and choosing the right one depends on your specific use case.

Variable Names and Rules

When declaring variables in JavaScript, there are some rules to follow. Variable names must begin with a letter, underscore (_), or a dollar sign ($). Subsequent characters can also include numbers.

Data Types in JavaScript Variables

JavaScript supports a variety of data types for variables, including numbers, strings, booleans, and objects. Understanding data types is crucial for working with variables effectively.

Initializing Variables

Initialization involves assigning an initial value to a variable. It can be done when declaring the variable or at a later stage in your code. We'll explore this in our code examples.


The variable declaration var has been used with javascript since its inception. The var variable (also the let and constvariables) are used to store different types of data. A variable can store data such as strings, numbers, booleans, objects, functions, and more.


var myName = 'bob';
var myAge = 34;
var clubMember = true;
var schoolSupplies = ['pencil', 'notebook', 'pen', 'eraser'];
var schoolSchedule = {
  math: 'Advanced Algebra',
  science: 'Physics',
  literature: 'Modern Chinese Literature',
var sayHello = function () {

The example above show the different types of data that can be stored in variables. All the variables above are declared with the var keyword. Declaring a variable with var and outside of any other blocks of code places it within the global scope, meaning the variables can be accessed from any other part of the program and is available globally within the program.


var myName = 'bob';
function studentProfile() {
  console.log(`student name: ${myName}`);
studentProfile(); // student name: bob - variable 'myName' is part of the global scope

Variables declared using var within function code blocks - known as function scope - are only accessible within the function. An exception is when a variable is assigned a value but not declared using the var keyword, as shown for testResults below. Assigning a value like this allows the variable to be accessed outside of the function.


function getStudentGrade() {
  testResults = [75, 86, 93, 87];
  var testResultsAverage =
    testResults.reduce((a, b) => a + b) / testResults.length;
  return testResultsAverage;
console.log(testResults); // 85.25 - variable 'testResults' is part of the global scope

Variables declared using var within logical code blocks - known as block scope (ex. if..else) - are accessible outside of the block.


if (true) {
  var newName = 'ned';
console.log(newName); // ned - variable 'newName' is part of the global scope


The variable declaration let is similar to var in many ways, but include some key difference when it comes to access and scope. A variable declared within the global scope using let can be accessed anywhere in the program. This behavior is just like what happens with the var variable declaration.


let studentName = 'melvin';
function greetStudent() {
  console.log(`Greetings, ${studentName}!`);

Also, just like with var, variables declared with let within a function scope are only accessible within the function scope and will cause an error when attempting to access outside of the function scope.


function chooseClub() {
  let clubSelection = 'chess club';
console.log(clubSelection); // ERROR - 'clubSelection' is only accessible within the function scope

However, when using block scopes, any variable declared with let inside a block is not accessible outside of the block and will cause an error. This is a key difference to variables declared with the var keywords, which can be accessed outside of a block.


if (10 > 5) {
  let answer = 'Ten is greater than five';
console.log(answer); // ERROR - 'answer' is only accessible within the block scope


The variable declaration const is meant to be used for data that will not change - in other words, data that will remain constant. Just like with var and let, variables declared outside of a function or block with const are available to the global scope.


const friendName = 'Kalvin';
function sayFriendName() {
  console.log(`Hi, ${friendName}!`);
sayFriendName(); // Hi, Kalvin! - variable 'friendName' is part of the global scope

And just like variables declared with let, a variable declared with const is not accessible outside of either function scope or block scope and will cause an error.


function getLunch() {
  const specialMeal = 'pasta';
console.log(specialMeal); // ERROR - 'specialMeal' is only accessible within the function scope
if ('pizza' === 'pizza') {
  const favoriteFood = 'cheese pizza';
console.log(favoriteFood); // ERROR - 'favoriteFood' is only accessible within the block scope

An important note about using variables declared with const is that they cannot be reassigned. This applies to const variables that have data including values, arrays, or objects.


const courseLength = '2 hours';
courseLength = 120; // ERROR - 'courseLength' cannot be reassigned
const courseTitles = ['Intro to Math', 'English Literature', 'Biology'];
courseTitles = ['Physical Education', 'Chemistry', 'Spanish I']; // ERROR = 'courseTitles' cannot be reassigned
const courseProfile = {
  name: 'Chemistry',
  days: ['Monday', 'Wednesday'],
  time: '9:30am',
  instructor: 'Gil',
courseProfile = {
  name: 'German Literature',
  days: ['Friday'],
  time: '14:00',
  instructor: 'Bob',
}; // ERROR - 'courseProfile' cannot be reassigned

An important thing to note, however, is that const does allow both data inside arrays and objects to be changed.


const weekDays = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday'];
console.log(weekDays); // [ 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Strangeday' ]
const mathAssignment = {
  partOne: 'Read the textbook',
  partTwo: 'Complete the homework questions',
mathAssignment.partThree = 'Take the quiz';
console.log(mathAssignment); // { partOne: 'Read the textbook', partTwo: 'Complete the homework questions', partThree: 'Take the quiz' }


Variables are used everywhere in JavaScript programs. One problem that can come up is from having variables in different scopes with the same name. This can produce problems when values assigned to one variable are overwritten by other variables unintentionally. This is a type of problem that may not produce an error message, but will still result in problems. Likewise, many assigned values are created without the need to change them at any point during the program. However, it’s possible to overwrite the value of variable unintentionally, causing problems in the program.

The addition of let and const are meant to address some of these problems. They’ve become useful tools to help developers write code that restricts the visibility and modification of data - and therefore helps developers avoid smaller errors that could cause big problems.


  1. What is a JavaScript variable?

A JavaScript variable is a container for storing data values that can change over time during program execution.

  1. How do I declare a JavaScript variable?

You can declare a JavaScript variable using the var, let, or const keyword, followed by the variable name.

  1. What is variable scope in JavaScript?

Variable scope in JavaScript defines where in your code a variable can be accessed. It can be global or local.

  1. Can I change the value of a constant in JavaScript?

No, constants, declared using the const keyword, cannot be reassigned once their initial value is set.

  1. What is hoisting in JavaScript?

Hoisting is a JavaScript behavior where variable declarations are moved to the top of their containing scope during execution. It's essential to be aware of this when working with variables in JavaScript.